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CPVC  Brass Tee

CPVC Brass Tee

उत्पाद विवरण:

  • मटेरियल CPVC
  • काम का दबाव High
  • साइज Various available
  • रंग White
  • वारंटी Yes
  • Click to view more

CPVC और ब्रास टी मूल्य और मात्रा

  • 100

CPVC और ब्रास टी उत्पाद की विशेषताएं

  • CPVC
  • High
  • White
  • Yes
  • Various available

CPVC और ब्रास टी व्यापार सूचना

  • प्रति महीने
  • दिन

उत्पाद विवरण

The CPVC and Brass Tee is a high-quality plumbing fitting for various applications. It is made of CPVC material in a white color finish, ensuring its durability and resistance to corrosion. The tee is available in various sizes to match different pipe dimensions. It is designed to withstand high working pressure, making it suitable for high-pressure piping systems. The CPVC and Brass Tee is a reliable and long-lasting fitting that can provide hassle-free performance for years to come.

FAQs of CPVC And Brass Tee:

Q: What is CPVC material?

A: CPVC stands for Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride. It is a thermoplastic material that is known for its high strength and resistance to heat, chemicals, and corrosion.

Q: What is the color of the CPVC and Brass Tee?

A: The tee comes in a white color finish.

Q: What sizes are available for the CPVC and Brass Tee?

A: The tee is available in various sizes to match different pipe dimensions.

Q: Can the CPVC and Brass Tee withstand high working pressure?

A: Yes, the tee is designed to withstand high working pressure, making it suitable for high-pressure piping systems.

Q: Is there a warranty for the CPVC and Brass Tee?

A: Yes, the tee comes with a warranty to ensure customer satisfaction.

Tell us about your requirement


Select Unit

  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
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सीपीवीसी पाइप फिटिंग अन्य उत्पाद

गोकुल प्लास्टिक
54, स्वप्निल इंडस्ट्रियल पार्क-2, नायरा पेट्रोल पंप के पास, कुहा कोठिया बस स्टॉप, इंदौर हाई वे, कुहा,अहमदाबाद - 382433, गुजरात, भारत
फ़ोन :07971582967
श्री सतीश पटेल (मालिक)
मोबाइल :07971582967